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Curriculum Vitae



Cem Avcı is a Professor of  Civil Engineering at Boğaziçi University. His research interests are in the fields of Sustainability in Infrastructure Projects, Environmental and Social Impact assessments, Soil and Ground Water Quality Investigations and Remediation projects as well as Waste Management Studies. In particular:

Environmental and Social Impact Assessments Research:  Hydroelectric Power Plants, Wind farms, Gas Fired Combined Cycle Gas Power Plants, coal and mineral mines), infrastructure (motorways, tunnels and bridges, health campuses, container terminals, airports) and oil and gas (refineries, oil and gas (shale gas, large scale pipelines. Research include impact evaluation, methodology, risk ranking, mitigation measures and monitoring. Turkish and International guidelines.

Water Resources Research: Ground water resources evaluation, aquifer characterization, soil and ground water contamination site assessment, risk based corrective actions and modelling. Surface water watershed modellling, surface water quality modelling. Climate change impact on flood conditions

Waste Management: Engineered landfill containment barrier design, clay liner contamination breakthrough, hydraulics of waste storage facilities.

Environmental Health and Safety Assessments: Effectiveness of Phase I Investigations in sectors spanning cement industry, oil and gas, petrochemical, automotive, pharmaceutical and real estate development


Academic Positions

  • Present1997

    Full Professor

    Boğaziçi University, Civil Engineering Department

  • 19971992

    Associate Professor

    Boğaziçi University, Civil Engineering Department

  • 19921989

    Assistant Professor

    Boğaziçi University, Civil Engineering Department

  • 19891985

    Senior Consultant

    URS (formerly Woodward-Clyde Consultants) Chicago USA

Education & Training


  • 2014
    American Society of Civil Engineers
    The American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 177 countries. Founded in 1852, ASCE is the nation’s oldest engineering society. ASCE stands at the forefront of a profession that plans, designs, constructs, and operates society’s economic and social engine – the built environment – while protecting and restoring the natural environment.


  • 2018-Present
    IAIA- International Association for Impact Assessment-Member
    IAIA is an organization with a voluntary membership of professionals from a diverse array of interests and organizations, all of whom are concerned with environmental stewardship and sustainability. Collectively, our goal is to protect, not harm, the earth and its environments and peoples.
  • 2019-Present
    AVERE-The European Association for Electromobility President of Turkish Chapter
    AVERE-Turkey President; AVERE (The European Association for Electromobility) is the European association that promotes electromobility and sustainable transport across Europe. Our Members consist of National Associations supporting and encouraging the use of Electric Vehicles and electromobility across Europe.
  • 2015-Present
    Energy Policy Research and Implementation Center EPAM-Bogazici University Board Member
    EPAM, Energy Policy Implementation Center, mission is to provide scientific support for the development of the Turkish energy policy, and strengthen the information and data capacity for the market. The research aim will be to keep abreast of and contribute to scientific and international developments in the energy policy sector