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Analysis of CO2 Emission Reduction and Energy Interactions in Turkey Via Genetic Algorithm and BUEMS-macro for Electric Vehicles

Conference paper
Cem Tiranlar and Cem Avcı
Publication year: 2019

The electricity demand forecasting of the transport sector in Turkey has been carried out by taking into consideration official estimates, energy infrastructure needs, sector-specific growth and development expectancies. A survey for end user perceptions towards electric vehicles has been conducted, and two alternative ways are employed: (i) top-down approach using genetic algorithms and (ii) bottom-up approach using the Boğaziçi University Energy Modeling System (BUEMS), a technologically detailed linear activity analysis framework. BUEMS is calibrated under various scenarios to evaluate the impact of additional electricity demand on the power generation mix and CO2 emissions.

Electricity Demand Projection for Turkey: Bottom-up Modelling Approach and Comparison with EU and Asia

Conference paper
Zafer Ozturk, Gurkan Kumbaroglu, Cem Avci & Merve Kucuk
Energy Security, Technology and Sustainability Challenges Across the Globe 38th IAEE International Conference Antalya, Turkey May 25-27, 2015
Publication year: 2015

The main intention of this study is to develop an electricity demand projection for Turkey for the period 2012-2035.
The project covers the five main clusters of electricity demanding sectors that are: i) industrial sector, ii) residential
sector, iii) Service/commercial sector, iv)transport sector, and v) others. Overall electricity demand forecasting
process till end year 2035 has been carried out by taking into considerations of official demographic projections, and
energy efficiency improvement expectations as well as the sector based growth and development expectancies.